The original Pelham Middle School was constructed in 1965 on Marsh Road. Like so many other facilities, the 60’s were constructed to address the influx of new Town residents. In 1968, a need for a two-story classroom addition came quickly. Other than dedicated maintenance of the facility, not much else was performed. The need for an updated facility to address the current learning program and teaching techniques was great and the Town residents voted approval to proceed with design and construction in 2021.
The new program resulted in a design to construct a regulation size gymnasium and Unified Arts wing at the southeast corner of the school. The existing gymnasium was repurposed as a new cafeteria, and the existing cafeteria is repurposed as a new library/media center. The renovation and additions accommodate the middle school team model with classrooms organized around team common areas. High priority is given to student safety by creation of a clear separation between private and public space and controlled access points. Sustainable design concepts were included.
The Pelham School District is a repeat Client of Trident for which we are grateful for their continued trust and confidence in us. The Project Team members include Bonnette, Page, and Stone Corp. of Laconia, NH and Harriman Architecture and Design or Portland, ME and GPI Engineering of Salem, NH.