Seabrook Town Pier Project – Ready for Paving – Trident OPM

North Pier Area Ready for Paving Work
North Pier Area Ready for Paving Work

We are getting to the final stages of the Seabrook Town Pier Project with paving scheduled for the week of July 10th. All areas are compacted, tested, and ready. A solid team of Collins Engineers, Inc., R. S. Audley Inc., and Trident have been working diligently to get to this point. The Town Pier will be open to the public side by July 15th with full use by the Yankee Fishermen’s Co-op on July 17th. Stay tune! We are proud to be the OPM on this important project.


South Pier Area
South Pier Area


South PIer Area - Seaside
South Pier Area – Seaside